Super-Earth was discovered by a multinational team of scientists lead by the University of Montreal.
According to models, this planet’s ocean world might account for up to 30% of its entire mass. In contrast, only 1% of Earth’s mass is made up of the planet’s 70% water regions.
According to a statement from NASA, ‘that proportion is equivalent to watery moons in our solar system Jupiter’s Ganymede and Callisto, or Saturn’s Titan and Enceladus believed to contain deep oceans beneath shells of ice.’
A year on this planet lasts only 11 days because it revolves around its star so quickly.
According to observations, the red-dwarf star is smaller and cooler than our Sun, therefore the planet receives a comparable amount of light from it as Venus does from our Sun, which supports the existence of liquid water on the planet.
One round around the other star in the orbit takes about 1,400 years to complete.
‘Due to the star’s relative brightness, Webb should be able to record the starlight spectrum that passes through its atmosphere, serving as a form of fingerprint of the atmospheric constituents.’
‘Additionally, it can nearly always be seen by Webb in the constellation Draco, which is located in a region of the sky,’ explained NASA.
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