Even before it is published, JK Rowling’s newest book is sure to stir much debate. One of the main characters in Rowling’s most recent book, ‘The Ink Black Heart,’ has uncanny similarities to the author, leading some to label it transphobic.
The writer has now disputed that her own experiences served as inspiration for the character. The protagonist of the book commits suicide after being harassed online by trolls because one of his drawings was dubbed as racist, ableist, and transphobic. The book was authored by Rowling using the alias Robert Galbraith.
In a recent online discussion, Rowling refuted claims that the contentious character was inspired by her own life. LGBTQ+ activists and a number of ‘Harry Potter’ series stars have previously accused Rowling of being transphobic. She claimed to have received death threats even. Rowling stated that the concept for the book came long before she was criticized for her views.
She stated on the internet, ‘I have never written a book, and this book most definitely wasn’t inspired by my personal experience, you know, with a view to talking about my own life. Of course, that doesn’t imply that your own life experience isn’t discussed in the book.’
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