Ever taken a little rest at work? Yes, you have, and if not, you better get one right away.
A recent scientific study has proved that taking a quick 10-minute work break increases energy. Microbreaks have been shown to improve wellbeing and help with fatigue reduction.
The study published in the journal PLOS ONE states that ‘in an always-on culture encouraged by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, it is essential to find a balance between being effective at work and having optimal well-being. Researchers stressed that not taking these breaks has led to mistakes, and stopping the flow of ideas.’
Data from 22 distinct research, involving 2,335 participants—students and other staff—were evaluated.
The participants were required to complete a variety of tasks, including typing, memory tests, engaging in physical activity, viewing movies, and completing a self-reported assessment of their level of energy, fatigue, and exhaustion.
There were frequent 8–10 minute intervals between the events.
The findings showed that 64% of the individuals who took microbreaks outperformed the control group’s mean.
‘In order to complete tasks and meet objectives connected to work, energy is also necessary. Work pressures can deplete emotional reserves and are strongly correlated with fatigue and exhaustion. An energy replenishment or recovery procedure is required after using up energy over time’ read the paper.
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