The curse of the information era is scrolling. All of us have had this experience. Even when our eyes are numb and our minds can’t digest the information, we scroll and scroll for more.
Even when we are overly unhappy due to unpleasant news, we continue to scroll. Although such doomscrolling is fruitless, we nevertheless engage in it.
Doomscrolling is now linked to poor physical and mental health, according to a study.
Doomscrolling, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is the propensity to ‘surf or scroll through unpleasant news, even though such news is saddening, demoralising or depressing.’
Sometimes, melancholy has a draw, and there are a tonne of depressing stories on the internet.
The relevant study was released in the Health Communication journal.
According to the study, 16.5% of the roughly 1100 participants who did the doomsday roll exhibited evidence of higher levels of stress and anxiety. Their health was also impacted.
A moderately problematic level was indicated by 27.3% of the respondents. 27.5 percent were not significantly impacted, and 28.7 percent had no issues.
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