All of this is about inclusiveness. Peppa Pig, a well-liked children’s television programme, recently made history when it featured its first same-sex pair.
One of the most popular television programmes for preschoolers around the world is Peppa Pig, which made its television debut in May 2004. The titular characters of the episode take part in routine activities.
The series also features Suzi Sheep, Danny Dog, and Penny Polar Bear, three of Peppa’s friends.
When Penny sketched two female polar bears wearing dresses next to the three friends and the three friends before she described her drawings, the episode on Monday showed these characters painting portraits of their families.
Penny then says, ‘I’m Penny Polar Bear. I live with my mummy and my other mummy. One mummy is a doctor and one mummy cooks spaghetti. I love spaghetti.’
Many people on social media applauded the decision.
The decision was made when another well-known TV programme, ‘Thomas & Friends,’ revealed it would be introducing its first autistic character.
Elliott Garcia, a nine-year-old actor with autism, will also provide the voice for the new character Bruno the Brake Car.
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