Sun is somewhat of a standard for most of us. A star that is many times more massive than all of the planets put together and is the largest object in the solar system. But stars with several times the mass of our Sun exist in the cosmos.
One of these is the enormous star Betelguese, which is 14 times bigger than the Sun. Only 700 light years far from Earth. Scientists now know that the massive red star underwent a colour change.
The star was mentioned in a Chinese document written 2000 years ago, according to experts who combed through ancient records.
In 100 BCE, an astrologer in the court of Han dynasty mentioned Betelguese in his records. But he refers the star as being yellow in colour.
Betelguese is nearing the end of its life. It was fusing hydrogen into helium when it was at its peak. However, due to the depletion of hydrogen, it has become red and is fusing helium with carbon and oxygen.
The study of change in colour is not for general amusement but it gives scientists a better estimate of its remaining life.
Betelguese will end its life by exploding in a supernova. According to the analysis, the supernova should not occur for 1.5 million years.
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