Major European countries will be impacted by the bloody and protracted Russian war in Ukraine after President Vladimir Putin vowed to stop all energy imports to the continent. The change will have a significant impact on research, particularly on the CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research).
As a result of the impacted energy supply, the Large Hadron Collider is preparing plans to shut down parts of its particle accelerators. The Large Hadron Collider may need to be temporarily shut down, according to officials, but a strategy to cut energy usage will be submitted to the CERN Council at the upcoming meeting.
Two proton beams are propelled in opposing directions before colliding at the 27-kilometer-long LHC. Scientists can explore the furthest reaches of the physical universe through the collision of high-energy beams, discovering phenomena that have never been observed before.
One such event that fundamentally altered our understanding of the physical world a decade ago was the finding of the ‘God Particle.’
‘Our concern is really grid stability because we do all we can to prevent a blackout in our region. CERN wants to keep the LHC one of eight accelerators at the complex operating and avoid a sudden shutdown that could disrupt it,’ Serge Claudet, chair of CERN’s energy management panel told the Wall Street Journal.
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