After speaking with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Friday in Kyiv, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Poland is interested in purchasing electricity from Ukraine’s Khmelnytskyi nuclear reactor.
According to his spokesman earlier on Friday, Morawiecki attended talks while in Kyiv to address the geopolitical environment, the energy market, and energy and military security.
At a press conference he co-hosted with the president of Ukraine, Morawiecki said, ‘We could use some electricity from Ukraine. I learned from President Zelenskiy that Ukraine will be soon ready to sell power from Khmelnytskyi and I congratulated him for that.’
In order to increase revenue flow to its utilities, which have been impacted by a decline in electricity demand since the Russian invasion, Ukraine has attempted to increase electricity exports to the European Union. In the meantime, Ukrainian power would assist the EU in adjusting to decreased Russian gas supply.
Along with 200 megawatts (MW) of power to Poland, Ukraine is already selling some electricity to Hungary, Slovakia, and other countries.
Morawiecki was alluding to the potential for an additional 1,000 MW of electricity to flow through a power connection connecting Poland with the Khmelnytskyi plant in Ukraine. After the required upgrades, the link, which has been closed since the 1990s, is expected to reopen by the end of the year.
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