There is an asteroid approaching the planet, however, according to a NASA official statement, there is no need for concern. The asteroid, which has been given the designation Asteroid 2022 RQ, is enormous in size, although it will be far from earth when it passes. The asteroid and the planet will be separated by about 3.7 million kilometres, according to the most recent projections.
The asteroid is 84 feet across, according to NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office, and it is now travelling through space at an incredible speed. On September 1, astronomers made the initial discovery of asteroid 2022 RQ, and on Tuesday, it will finally approach the planet.
When it comes to the course being followed by the asteroid, the farthest point from the sun will be 328 million kilometers and the closest will be 110 million kilometres. The-sky.org also said that the Asteroid 2022 RQ will approximately take 648 days to complete its journey around the sun.
Over the past few years, there has been a significant advancement in the methodology utilised by academics to comprehend the course of Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) like this asteroid. For objects 140 metres or greater, the NASA system now boasts an accuracy ratio of roughly 90%.
The NEOWISE Project, an improved Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer that can successfully locate NEOs within a specified distance, is used to track the objects, according to Live Science. Additionally, it is this system that has discovered all recent planetary space activity.
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