Nostradamus is thought to have correctly foreseen significant events that have changed our world, such as the emergence of Adolf Hitler, World War II, the September 11 terrorist attack, and the French Revolution. Our planet will abruptly end, according to 6,338 prophesies written by the French mystic astrologer. It appears that Nostradamus foresaw the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.
Michel de Nostradame, a French astrologer, was born in December 1503 in Saint Rémy de Provence, in Southern France. On July 2, 1566, he passed away. His prophecies have come true even though he is no longer with us. According to Yearly-Horoscope, more than 70% of his predictions have come true so far. Here is what believers of Nostradamus have predicted for 2023:
Nostradamus predictions 2023
World War
Seven months into the Great War, Nostradamus predicted, ‘People dead of evil-doing’. This has been foreseen since the turmoil in Ukraine brought on by Russia’s invasion could intensify and spark a third world war. Or it can be a reference to the continuing battle between China and Taiwan in Southeast Asia, which poses a grave nuclear war threat to the US. In the terrifying prophecy, the French city of Rouen inexplicably seems to survive the fight.
Mars landing
Using the enigmatic phrase ‘light on Mars falling,’ the French mystic hinted that humanity would travel to the planet around 2023. By 2029, according to Elon Musk, people will set foot on Mars.
‘New Pope’
A new Pope will succeed Francis as the second prophecy of Nostradamus for 2023. The next Pope, he said, will start a controversy, and Pope Francis will be the last authentic pope. He wrote: ‘The seven-hilled city will be demolished, and the terrifying Judge will judge the populace, following the last persecution of the Holy Roman Church. Peter the Roman will feed his flock under many afflictions. The End’.
Celestial Fire
‘Celestial flames on the Royal edifice,’ the French mystic foretold. According to one interpretation, this means that a new world order will rise from the ruins of civilization. Others who follow Nostradamus think this could be a prophecy about the ‘end of times’ or the beginning of a new era.
The New World Order
The new alliance of two big powers joining forces was mentioned in Nostradamus’ final prognostication for 2023. The new alliance could be between a powerful and a weak person, or even between a male and a female leader. The positive impacts of the cooperation won’t continue, though.
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