Kochi: Malayalam film and television actress Rashmi Jayagopal passed away in Kochi on Monday. She was 51. According to reports, she breathed her last while undergoing treatment for health issues at a hospital. She is survived by husband Jayagopal and son Prashanth Kesava.
Rashmi, born and brought up in Bengaluru, made her acting debut through commercial ads. She acted in Malayalam and Tamil films and television serials. Rashmi is popular for her role in ‘Swantham Sujatha’, a serial aired on Surya TV.
Actors Kishor Sathya and Chandra Lakshman, Rashmi’s co-stars in ‘Swantham Sujatha’ took to their social media pages and condoled her death. ‘Not even in my weirdest dream did I think this would be our last pic together.. Our dearest Rashmi Chechi, my Chechima has gone forever to be with her Krishna.. She is an epitome of love and has touched everyone’s life with her care..We lost her today and thinking of being in the shooting spot without her presence is going to be very difficult for all of us’, wrote Chandra Lakshman.