An open day is being held by the 200-year-old Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute in Pune, Maharashtra, enabling the public to see the progress of its continuing Sanskrit dictionary encyclopaedia project. The Open Day, which will be held on Saturday, aims to showcase and promote India’s intellectual history concealed in Sanskrit literature while introducing tourists to the vast and unique encyclopaedia of Sanskrit.
The world’s largest dictionary will be an encyclopaedic dictionary of Sanskrit, and it will be led by academics from the college’s Department of Sanskrit and Lexicography. This initiative started in 1948 and has resulted in the publication of 35 volumes. This dictionary follows the history of the language from the Rigveda to Hasyarnava and contains references from 62 areas of knowledge that have been translated into Sanskrit (1850 AD).
Since the great project’s start, Sanskrit researchers have been able to identify phonetic and semantic changes in words. In fields including politics, mathematics, agriculture, chemistry, architecture, dramaturgy, and more, over ten million references have been gathered from more than 1,500 Sanskrit works. These were gathered and kept in the college’s unique scriptorium in the form of slips that were carefully preserved. Each slip contains information on the precise vocable, grammatical category, and citation to testify the vocable. The slips are available in pink or green in various sizes.
Numerous sessions of hour-long guided tours will be scheduled during the Open Day. The registration for which can be done on https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf1HBnUeJZOeXU_3QiclTs4hVE7kEKIF4IF
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