As the conflict with Ukraine rages on, Russia is prepared to deploy nuclear weapons. Make sure you don’t use conditioner on your hair in the event of a nuclear war. This is not a bluff, as Vladimir Putin stated.
In event of a nuclear explosion, the US produced a list of dos and don’ts for civilians, and it expressly advises against applying conditioner on that day. During such a catastrophic nuclear explosion, bigger things may be on your mind, but be sure it’s not a good hair day.
Be careful to get into a shower as quickly as you can if a nuclear weapon explodes, spewing clouds of radioactive dust into the air. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has instructed people to seal off contaminated clothes and take a shower. Then comes the crucial part.
Use shampoo; it is made to adhere to oil and debris in your hair and carry those contaminants away when rinsed off. Surfactants, which draw water and oil to one end of a surface, are also found in conditioners, although they have different characteristics.
A conditioner can be fatal, while a shampoo can save your life. The recommendation states that you should refrain from applying conditioner on your hair to reduce significant radiation exposure. Your hair and radioactive substances may be held together by conditioner.
The majority of conditioners contain ‘cationic’ surfactants, or positively charged surfactants. The negatively charged hair fibres attract and hold the radioactive material together because they are negatively charged. These radioactive particles can cause cell damage and even prove fatal.
The US has advised that those who have been exposed to a nuclear explosion should also seek protection within a brick or concrete structure to reduce their exposure to radiation. Additionally, it has been advised to refrain from touching the lips, nose, and eyes.
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