Washington: According to a US-based scientific research organisation, there has been a 1,000% increase in anti-Hindu hatred and violence against members of the community everywhere in the globe, including the US. Citing the rising number of attacks on the Hindu population in the US and elsewhere, it has been noted that there is a dangerous hybridization of hatred toward them.
According to Joel Finkelstein, chief science officer and co-founder of the Network Contagion Research Institute, ‘we’ve seen that there’s been a growth of over 1,000% and anti-Hindu slurs are stoking fears of replacement mixing with anti-semitic memes, with other forms of narratives, and hatred shared by white supremacists, by Islamists, and others, and creating a toxic atmosphere of hostility’.
American Hindu Coalition;
Finkelstein was a speaker in the US Capitol during the Coalition of Hindus of North America (CoHNA) event, Building Representation and Education on Hindu American Lived Experiences. According to Finkelstein, vandalism against Hindu temples has risen significantly in recent months in both the US and Canada.
In reference to the ongoing violence against Hindus in the UK, Finkelstein said to members of the Hindu American community, ‘And now we witness what amounts to a low-grade pogrom unfolding in England’. The Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI), a nonprofit organisation based in New Jersey, investigates disinformation, deceit, and hate speech on social media platforms.
According to Finkelstein, one of the most complex forms of hatred is hinduphobia. Hank Johnson, a member of the current Congress and the lone Buddhist, has voiced his concerns about the recent rise in anti-Hindu sentiment in the country. Hindu Americans have made significant contributions to American society, according to Nikunj Trivedi of CoHNA.
Hinduphobia under a rug;
Finkelstein claimed that this issue had been hidden. ‘ There is a significant problem with Hinduphobia. In the Hindu community, it is quite difficult to bring up the subject’, he stated. CoHNA has briefed Congress on a number of topics affecting the Hindu-American community three times during the past year. Whether it was during the COVID-19 epidemic or in the everyday activities that help to make the US a great country, Hindus are a lively and varied group who have made major contributions to American growth, prosperity, and democratic principles, according to CoHNA.
Hindu community leaders and organisations from all over the US have descended upon Washington DC to engage with their political representatives and discuss various matters impacting the community. According to the 2020 FBI data, hate crimes against Indian Americans are up 500 per cent, it said. ‘Yet, our community is often the target of bigotry and hate,’ the group said.
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