Ryan Grantham, a US actor, admitted to killing his mother, Barbara Waite, in 2020 and was given a life term in prison. The 24-year-old, who portrayed Jeffery Augustine in the Riverdale adolescent drama, was given a sentence on Wednesday at the British Columbia Supreme Court in Vancouver. After being accused of first-degree murder at first, he pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. Additionally, he allegedly planned to assassinate Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada.
The court heard that Grantham acknowledged to shooting his mother in the back of the head while she was practising the piano at their house, located north of Vancouver. After the murder, the Canadian actor recorded a Go-Pro video of his mother’s body while narrating: ‘I gave her a headshot to the back. As soon as she realised it was me, she would have recognised me.’
Following the murder, he filled a car with 12 homemade Molotov bombs, three firearms, ammo, camping gear, and directions to Mr. Trudeau’s Rideau Cottage home after spending hours drinking beer and using marijuana. Before turning around and driving to a Vancouver police station, he travelled about 200 kilometres east to the town of Hope. There, he told an officer, ‘I killed my mother.’ Prior to coming around and bringing himself in, Grantham had thought about carrying out a massive act of violence at Simon Fraser University or at Vancouver’s Lions Gate Bridge, the court heard. He will serve the first 14 years of his life sentence without being able to apply for parole.
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