In a formal ceremony in May of the following year, King Charles III will be crowned. The celebration will also include Camilla’s coronation as Queen Consort. The controversial Kohinoor diamond was meant to be a part of Camilla’s ceremonial garb, as per long-established preparations. This might no longer happen owing to a disagreement about who owns the diamond, according to The Telegraph. The Kohinoor, one of the largest and most divisive diamonds in the world, was put in the Queen Mother’s crown in the 1930s with the intention of giving it to Camilla.
The late Queen Mother’s crown was supposed to be placed on the Queen Consort when her husband succeeded to the throne, according to the original arrangement. The times, however, have changed, and His Majesty As are his advisors, the King is extremely sensitive to these matters. According to a report in the Daily Mail, there are major political sensitivities and anxiety around them, especially with relation to India.
The 105-carat diamond Kohinoor has been on public display in the Tower of London since since it was fastened to the Queen Mother’s coffin at her funeral in 2002. Nadir Shah’s conquests from Iran resulted in the removal of the diamond from India, which had been initially mounted atop Shah Jahan’s throne during the Mughal dynasty. It was ruled by several monarchs till Queen Victoria was granted it in 1849 as a result of the British conquest of Punjab. Because it was purportedly ‘stolen’ while Britain dominated India, Kohinoor continues to be a topic of discussion.
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