Mumbai: Chinese smartphone brand, Redmi launched its new budget smartphone named ‘Redmi A1+’ in the country. The 2GB + 32GB storage model is priced at Rs 7499 and the 3GB + 32GB variant cost Rs 8499.The device will retail on Flipkart,, mi Home, and across offline platforms starting October 17, 12 noon. As a part of the introductory offer, users will be able to buy Redmi A1+ for Rs 6999 and Rs 7999, respectively. The offer is valid until October 31.
The new smartphone comes packed with a 6.52-inch HD+ dot drop display with a 1600 x 720 HD+ screen resolution and a 20:9 aspect ratio. The device is powered by a MediaTek Helio A22 paired with up to 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage, which can be expanded up to 512GB via a microSD card.
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The handset includes an 8-megapixel primary camera on the rear panel. For selfies and video calls, there is a 5-megapixel front camera. The Redmi smartphone is backed by a 5,000mAh battery with support for 10W charging. Connectivity options includes 4G LTE, 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v5.0, GPS, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and a USB type-C port.
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