The New York Post reports about, a woman who is fascinated by cemeteries and death has detailed how she has travelled the world to attend 200 strangers’ funerals. Jeane Trend-Hill, 55, of Islington, London, began attending funerals after accidentally interrupting one in 2012 when she entered a church during a service.
Ms. Jeane reports that local cemetery employees began inviting her to attend funerals when a deceased person didn’t have friends or family who could attend as soon as she began frequenting graves.
She disclosed to The Independent, ‘I’m honoured to be the one who attends strangers’ funerals when no one else can.’
‘I’ve been fascinated by death ever since I was a little kid.When we visited cemeteries, I strolled around and observed each grave. They resemble outdoor galleries for art,’ she added.
Trend-Hill asserted that after visiting the funerals of numerous strangers, she ‘realised that everyone has a story to share.’ Everyone has had a life, and when they pass away, they should be remembered by someone, she continued.
Because of her capacity to comfort mourners, her relatives calls her ‘rent-a-mourner.’
‘They gave me this name, and it’s a little amusing. Of course, I’d never demand payment for attending a funeral in person’ She said.
Ms. Trend Hill began frequenting graves when her mother died when she was 20 and her father died when she was 14.
Ms. Jeane has been to Paris and Venice to see graves since she is so dedicated to caring for them.
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