The Ghaziabad Municipal Corporation has prohibited citizens from owning the vicious Pit Bull, Rottweiler, and Dogo Argentino breeds as pets due to a spate of pet dog attacks. The local authority published a number of other rules for pet owners on Saturday, including the need that they obtain a dog licence, which will be granted starting in November, and the restriction that no household may possess more than one pet dog.
Pet owners who live in high-rise apartments must utilise service lifts to take their dogs outside and ensure that they are muzzled when in public. The decision was made in response to a number of dog bite occurrences that have been recorded in recent months from various cities’ neighbourhoods. Owners of pets must register their animals within two months.
‘The three breeds—Pit Bull, Rottweiler, and Dogo Argentino—are fierce (khoonkhar), and authorization won’t be given to keep these dogs. There won’t be a licence given out. They will be held accountable if someone purchases one of them. Sanjay Singh, a BJP politician and GMC councillor’, stated that all three of these species have been outlawed in Ghaziabad.
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