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To stop stubble burning, Delhi government started spraying biodecomposer on fields

To stop stubble burning, the Delhi government began spraying bio-decomposer on agricultural fields throughout the capital. The development department has organised 21 teams to help the government spray bio-decomposer over 5000 acres of agricultural land this year.


All agricultural fields, whether they contain Basmati or not, will receive a free application of biodecomposer from the government. Farmers that are interested in applying bio-decomposer to their fields have already filled out the form.


Gopal Rai, the environment minister, said: ‘The Delhi government has prepared a 15-point Winter Action Plan to fight pollution. This also includes tackling the issue of stubble burning, one of the biggest factors in the increase in pollution during winters in Delhi.’


‘Last year too, the Delhi government sprayed bio-decomposer free-of-cost to avoid stubble burning. Not only did the stubble got decomposed, but it also increased the fertility of the soil. Earlier, the farmers faced a time-crunch between harvesting paddy and sowing wheat. The government came into action in a time-bound manner so that there is no delay in farmers’ schedules and they can get better results as well,’ Gopal said.


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