While warning aspiring clergymen about watching online pornography, Pope Francis acknowledged that many nuns and priests also engage in the viewing such deviant material.
The pope was responding to a query on how today’s seminarians are tech-savvy and well-versed in the world of social media, on Monday while delivering a speech at a convention in Rome.
‘It is a vice that so many people have. So many laymen, so many laywomen, and also priests and nuns. The devil enters from there,’ he said according to the full text of the event released by the Vatican on Wednesday.
In order to ‘share the joy about being Christian, without forgetting our identity or being too exposed and arrogant’ he urged the aspiring clergy to use technology.
In order to avoid giving in to the ‘temptation in hand,’ he asked his fellow Catholics to erase pornographic content from their phones.
‘Dear brothers, pay attention to this,’ he said, adding, ‘Pornography weakens the soul.’
Despite having 64.3 million followers, the 85-year-old pope claimed that he rarely uses Twitter because ‘I arrived too late.’ His multiple social media accounts are managed by a crew.
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