WhatsApp has now made the Communities feature available to all users, including those in India. Two new Group features have also been introduced by the instant messaging service, including 32 person video calling and groups with up to 1024 individuals.
The 32 persons calling feature could only make audio calls up until this point.
WhatsApp clearly intends to compete with rival video calling services like Zoom and Skype by adding a 32-person video calling option for Groups. Although we think the large group calling function should have been made available sooner, ideally around COVID, it’s better late than never.
These new Group features for WhatsApp won’t be accessible right away, just like any other new feature. WhatsApp said that the newly introduced feature will be available in a few weeks from now.
The meta-owned instant messaging platform has also introduced features like – the ability to create in-chat polls and groups with up to 1024 users. ‘Just like emoji reactions, larger file sharing, and admin delete, these features can be used in any group but will be particularly helpful for Communities,’ the company noted in an official press release.
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