The Chinese rocket that launched and docked the third module with its still-under-construction space station is crashing down to Earth days after it was launched. According to reports, Beijing failed to manage the core stage of the rocket’s deorbit, and the 23-ton rocket is now falling back to the planet.
The Mengtian module was attached to a Long March 5B rocket and launched by the China Manned Space Agency (CSMA) to Tiangong to signify the completion of the flying laboratory. The rocket is headed for Earth, where it will likely crash and burn in the atmosphere. However, previous launches have revealed that certain pieces of the rocket survive the catastrophic re-entry and crash on the planet’s surface.
Space-based sensors using HEO Inspect caught the #CZ5B rocket as it continues its uncontrolled re-entry back to Earth.
Our space-to-space imagery and intelligence supports strategic decision-making and accountability efforts by making space transparent.
Powered by @Satellogic pic.twitter.com/kPZfSypFlA— HEO Robotics (@heorobotics) November 3, 2022
‘Here we go again, for those who have been following prior iterations of this. Seven billion people are at risk from Chinese space debris falling on them, even though no one’s life must change as a result of this; 88% of the world’s population is at risk ‘, The Corporate Chief Engineer’s Office of The Aerospace Corporation consultant Ted Muelhaupt was quoted by space.com as saying.
Although the panel of specialists for the Aerospace Corporation stated that they are not exaggerating the event ‘Six in ten trillion people are at risk. That is a very modest number.’.The first stage of the Long March 5B conducted an unplanned reentry into Earth’s atmosphere over Southeast Asia earlier this year. Wentian, the second of the Chinese space station’s three modules, was blasted into orbit aboard the rocket around six days before to the return. China had not given any information on the rocket’s core stage’s fall, yet it did so over the Indian Ocean.
While the majority of the rocket burnt in the atmosphere, pieces of the booster and launchers were nevertheless discovered in Malaysia and Indonesia, among other countries in Southeast Asia. China has already been charged of withholding information regarding the falling rocket’s re-entry course and debris assessment by Western and Asian nations.
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