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China eases Covid curbs, residents cheer in joy

Residents welcomed China’s decision to shorten the COVID-19 quarantine period for close contacts of infected people and inbound travellers by two days on Friday, as it relaxed some of its strict pandemic rules.


While the number of COVID cases in China is small by global standards, the policy response has been marked by lockdowns and mass testing for large populations, even as the rest of the world has relaxed or abandoned restrictions.


While many experts warned that the measures were incremental and that reopening was likely still a long way off, the changes brought some relief.


‘It was inconvenient for us to travel or go on business trips because of the previous restrictions. Both the people around me and I were a little down about it,’ Wei Yini, a 33-year-old Shanghai resident, agreed. ‘When this policy was announced today, everyone was overjoyed.’


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