The Austrian government altered the law to allow for the confiscation and sale of vehicles as a form of punishment for drivers who are caught exceeding the speed limit. The action aims to stop ‘boy racers’ who participate in unlawful street races and other situations of severe speeding. The treasured item of the winner has also been threatened with freezing by the government.
The current administration, which is made up of conservatives and Greens, wants to toughen Austrian law to match that of its neighbours, like Germany and Switzerland.
The goal of the ordinance, according to the police, is to prevent deaths brought on by unlawful street racing, which occasionally involves spectators.
‘At the speeds we’re discussing here, nobody is completely in control of their car. The car turns into an unpredictable weapon and a threat to absolutely innocent individuals, according to Green Party transport minister Leonore Gewessler,’ as quoted by the Guardian.
If someone is found exceeding the posted speed limits of 100 km/h in towns and 200 km/h otherwise, their car will be impounded for two weeks. If a person commits the same offence twice, their car will be seized and sold at auction.
The most recent idea is an addition to regulations that were put in place last year and lengthened the period of licence suspension for speeding and extreme speeding.
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