On Tuesday, city council members announced they were reconsidering a proposal to arm the San Francisco police with killer robots. The proposal was redirected back to the drawing board. In response to violent offenders and life-threatening circumstances, city officials said last week that police will be permitted to utilise robots that are capable of administering fatal force.
Police had applauded the proposal, highlighting the fact that it would be a last-resort option for dealing with aggressive individuals like mass shooters or suicide bombers without endangering the lives of the police. However, authorities said they now had concerns before a San Francisco Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday when the proposal was scheduled to be approved.
Board member Gordon Mar stated, ‘Over the past week, I have been really uneasy about it. Last week, I did support the measure despite some ethical problems. We won’t be much safer, in my opinion, with remote-controlled, armed robots. The declaration made last week generated news stories all around the world, with some drawing analogies to dystopian sci-fi films like Terminator and Black Mirror’.
People who had gathered at municipal hall to protest the idea were present at the meeting on Tuesday. Supervisors approved the proposals to let police have certain military-style weaponry but said the decision about killer robots needed to go back to committee for more thought.
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