Twitter’s staff is looking for additional investors, according to news outlet Semafor on Friday (December 16). Musk’s money manager, Jared Birchall, allegedly contacted potential investors. Shares of Twitter have been made available to them at the same price Musk paid to purchase the business (USD 54.20).
Neither Twitter nor Musk made any comments right away.
Advertisers have abandoned the social media site as concerns about Musk’s method of monitoring tweets grow. Revenues at Twitter have suffered, as has the company’s capacity to make interest payments on the $13 billion loan Musk took out to acquire it.
Ross Gerber, a Tesla investor who said he put less than $1 million in Musk’s original takeover of Twitter, confirmed that he was contacted Thursday evening about another funding round, Semafor reported.
Almost every day, news stories about Twitter are made.
Over how his jet was handled after it was ‘doxxed,’ Musk has drawn widespread ire from critics around the world. Several journalists whose accounts on Twitter were suspended for writing about the matter. Many nations have not been pleased with this.
European Union, French, German and British officials, all denounced the suspensions, with some claiming the platform threatened press freedom.
Critics saw the incident, dubbed the ‘Thursday Night Massacre’ by one prominent security researcher, as new proof that the billionaire, who calls himself a ‘free speech absolutist,’ purges speech and users he finds objectionable.
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