Because it violated numerous community standards, YouTube removed Pornhub from its channel. The Variety reported, Pornhub broke YouTube’s external policy, which forbids users from uploading material that isn’t permitted on the site, like nudity and pornography.
‘We deleted the channel Pornhub Official after examination since there have been several violations of our Community Guidelines.’ said YouTube spokesperson Jack Malon.
‘We police our policies equally for everyone, and channels that consistently infringe or are committed to violative content are terminated’, he added.
Nearly 900,000 people were Pornhub subscribers. Before the account was deleted, it only promoted safe-for-work content. The YouTube videos that were posted by Pornhub had an age restriction as well. To access the videos on Pornhub YouTube, users must be 18 years of age or older. Allegations that the pornographic website posted or linked to adult content have been refuted.
‘Pornhub takes great care to guarantee that it does not contravene any of YouTube’s Community Guidelines and upholds the best trust and safety standards on the internet. Unfortunately, this is only the most recent instance of prejudice against those working in the adult industry. This is a trend that is evident on social media and in all facets of life, particularly as some groups falsely conflate consensual adult entertainment with sexual assault.’
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