Football player Cristiano Ronaldo has gained the support of Farhan Akhtar. The Bollywood star criticised Ronaldo’s detractors for their comments about his performance at the FIFA World Cup. Farhan said in a post expressing his admiration for the player that it irks him ‘to see commentators disparage him (Ronaldo) and speak of him as a has-been.’ Following Akhtar’s sharing of the article, internet users mocked the actor for defending Ronaldo, who is charged with rape. Farhan was criticised by some online users for supporting Ronaldo despite starting the MARD movement (Men Against Rape And Discrimination).
On Instagram, Farhan Akhtar posted a thank-you message for Cristiano Ronaldo. This is a post to thank Cristiano Ronaldo, according to a portion of his note. This person has dedicated his entire life to the sport and has achieved levels of talent, athleticism, and conditioning that other athletes can only dream of. When someone stops acting like a robot and exhibits human emotion (sic), it is so simple to demolish them in a matter of seconds.
As a response to his post, one user said in the comments section, ‘Surely you are aware that Cristiano Ronaldo has been credibly accused of rape and violating a woman’s consent? As the founder of the Men Against Rape and Discrimination programme and a UN Women Goodwill ambassador? This from you is very disappointing.’
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