Mohanlal, who has produced some of the best Malayalam film content, is prepared to work with director Lijo Jose Pellissery. The upcoming movie that generated a lot of fan buzz has officially been given the name ‘Malaikottai Valiban’. Mohanlal posted the first-look poster and the title-related information on Twitter.
Lijo Jose Pellissery is looking forward to working with the actor in the upcoming movie. Lijo Jose Pellissery is well-known for many of his directing work, including Jallikatu, which was chosen as India’s official entry to the Academy Awards in 2021. The movie’s title and poster were released by Mohanlal on Twitter.
Although there was little information on the poster concerning the plot of the movie, according to several media reports, it is thought to be a straight-up action thriller. The Monster actor had posted a teaser on the microblogging site before revealing the title. The lengthy process that went into creating the title poster was demonstrated in the video. ‘Presenting to you the title of my future movie with Lijo Jose Pellissery – ‘Malaikottai Valiban’ (sic),’Mohanlal posted along with the poster.
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