Eight soldiers and one citizen in the war-torn northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo have received death sentences for murder and theft, according to court records revealed on Tuesday.
On Monday, the Bunia High Military Court handed down the death punishment in a case involving the murder of two Chinese gold miners to eight soldiers and one civilian
One group of people who had all been found guilty of murder and having criminal affiliations were Colonels Mukalenga Tsendeko and Kayumba Sumahili.
Three further soldiers who had been found guilty and given a 10-year prison term were exonerated.
The two top commanders were charged with planning an assault on a convoy travelling through Irumu region in Ituri province carrying four gold bars, $6,000 in cash, and Chinese labourers.
On March 17, 2022, an attack on the caravan that was leaving a goldmine occurred in the hamlet of Nderemi. Their driver, a civilian, was injured, and two Chinese guys perished.
For ’embezzling war armaments intended for military operations,’ the highest military court in the Democratic Republic of the Congo condemned Lieutenant Colonel Marcel Kaligamire and two soldiers to death.
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