In order to access services in nations and areas where the messaging app is restricted, users will now be allowed to utilise proxy servers, according to a Thursday announcement by Meta’s subsidiary WhatsApp. ‘ Today, we’re introducing proxy support for WhatsApp users everywhere. This implies that we are giving users the ability to continue using WhatsApp even if their connection is banned or otherwise compromised ‘, a statement issued by the business was read. ‘Using a proxy enables you to connect to WhatsApp through servers put up by individuals and organisations throughout the world devoted to promoting free speech’.
Users of WhatsApp were also directed to the setup instructions for a proxy server in order to re-establish the connection. Anyone who has the newest version of WhatsApp can use the service. In simple words, a proxy server acts as a ‘intermediary’ between users and the internet. They can get over attempts at censorship and other limitations to access web services. The service’s deployment has been done with consideration for the nations where internet censorship, particularly with regard to WhatsApp, inconveniences normal consumers.
In its introduction, WhatsApp used Iran as an example, where the authorities frequently cuts down internet access. ‘Disruptions like the ones we’ve been witnessing in Iran for months on end violate people’s human rights and prevent them from accessing life-saving aid. However, if these shutdowns persist, we believe that our approach will benefit individuals anywhere there is a need for safe and dependable communication’.
The Iranian government censored access to the internet and social media platforms like Instagram and WhatsApp when the anti-hijab rallies in Iran were still in its infancy, foreseeing their scope. A ‘nation-scale interruption of connection’ on Iranian network providers was reported by internet watchdog NetBlocks. With WhatsApp’s new functionality, regular Iranians may use the app and its services despite the closures.
Messages on the proxy server will continue to be end-to-end encrypted, according to the Meta-owned platform, meaning that only users will have access to the message or data. Your private communications will continue to be secured by end-to-end encryption, guaranteeing that no third party, including proxy servers, WhatsApp, or Meta, will be able to read them.
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