Scientists have developed a method for what they refer to as their first-ever car-sized Laser Lightning Rod in an effort to steer lightning strikes. Their research, which was performed on top of the Säntis mountain in northeastern Switzerland at an elevation of roughly 8,200 feet, was reported in the journal Nature Photonics.
Near a 124-meter-high telecom tower that is at least 100 times a year struck by lightning and is frequently referred to be one of Europe’s most damaged by lightning structures, researchers used a strong laser to guide a lightning bolt for more than 50 metres.
Lightning bolts are huge electrical discharges and a single one can reach up to a 30,000 degree Celsius temperature five times hotter than the surface of the sun.
It is a complex phenomenon caused by an imbalance of positive and negative charges between storm clouds and the ground, however, some travel upward.
Furthermore, while the chances of a person getting struck by lightning are rare, it has caused thousands of deaths and also tens of billions of dollars worth of damage to infrastructure every year.
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