Now, honking pointlessly in Noida might cost you up to Rs 10,000. To make some parts of the city a quiet zone, the Noida Authority is prepared to punish drivers who horn excessively while driving.
140 locations will become silent zones, according to the 140 locations chosen by the Noida Authority’s traffic cell. In the upcoming days, signs will be put up to ensure that vehicles do not honk excessively while driving.
Officials with the Noida Authority have stated that a fine of Rs 1,000 will be applied for first-time honking. While the second-time defaulter must pay a Rs 2,000 fine.
The person who uses the pressure horns will be fined Rs 10,000. The horns can, however, also be employed in the silent zones under specific conditions.
According to Noida Authority, the city is currently divided into three sections: residential, industrial, and commercial. The silence zone will make up the fourth section.
This zone includes a lot of medical facilities, churches, schools, and courthouses. Areas with a high senior population may also fall under the purview of this zone.
Honking will be prohibited within a 100-meter radius of the silence zone.
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