Mumbai: Noise launched new wireless earbuds with active noise cancellation (ANC) in India. The device named ‘Noise Buds VS102 Pro’ is priced at Rs. 1,799. They are currently listed on the GoNoise online store as well as on Flipkart. The wireless earbuds have four colour options – Jet Black, Calm Beige, Aurora Green, and Glacier Blue.
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The Noise Buds VS102 Pro earbuds feature Quad Mics with active noise cancellation (ANC) for up to 25dB as well as environmental noise cancellation (ENC). The wearables come with an in-ear form factor and on-ear touch controls that let users enable ANC, transparency, gaming mode, adjust volume, and control music, call, as well as access Siri and Google Assistant. It also features hands-free calling. The earbuds are compatible with both Android and iOS smartphones.
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