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BJP is only adept at breaking households: Sisodia

Manish Sisodia, the deputy chief minister of Delhi, criticised the DDA’s demolition campaign in Mehrauli and claimed that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) only understands how to destroy homes.

‘The BJP just knows how to break things; it doesn’t know how to do anything. The BJP occasionally violates the Supreme Court’s rulings and the Constitution, and most recently, the BJP is destroying homes that people have built for themselves’ Sisodia continued by saying that the saffron party need to make an effort to construct anything.

The assistant CM responded, ‘There are also court orders. The dwellings of people that are registered and taxes are being paid, those buildings are also being demolished’.

In Mehrauli, the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) began its demolition campaign earlier on Friday under police protection.

The property where the demolition is taking place, according to the demolition notice, is a part of the Mehrauli Archaeological Park, and the ‘existing unlawful encroachment’ is impeding the park’s growth.

‘The court has previously taken note of the encroachment in the historic park in connection with a number of cases, and over the course of the last few decades, many people have built unauthorised constructions in the region, some of which are even five or six stories high. Last December, a notice was published and posted on walls to inform the public’ a top DDA official stated Tuesday.

Durgesh Pathak, a prominent AAP leader, had already declared that the party would take the matter to court.

‘Naresh Yadav and Somnath Bharti, legislators from our party, are in custody. Even our council member is currently in jail. The BJP is getting even with voters for rejecting it in the Vidhan Sabha and MCD elections. They said they would build houses, but instead they are tearing down jhuggis. We will not permit this’ stated the AAP leader.


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