The meteorites that landed in Gujarat, a state in western India, may prove to be a useful tool for comprehending planetary processes. The meteorite is an aubrite, according to scientists. They have established that the meteorite originated from highly reducing differentiated body in our solar system.
The meteors landed in Gujarat’s Diyodar taluka. The Diyodar meteorites are the name given to them. They crashed in Diyodar on August 17, 2022. According to reports, the people heard a tremendous bang but saw no trail. According to reports, it sounded like a jet plane passing overhead.
The larger piece fell on the villages of Ravel and Diyodar, respectively. The villagers collected the large pieces and handed them over to scientists from the Physical Research Laboratory. The samples weighed about 200 grammes.
The analysis of the samples yielded that the meteorite was a rare specimen of aubrite.
Aubrite falls in rare achondrite group of meteorites. Aubrites have sulphides of sodium, titanium, manganese, chromium and calcium. These are all lithophile elements.
The analysis has been published in the journal Current Science.
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