Local media claimed that the metal sphere that caused people’ concerns when it was found on a Japanese beach one day had been located and removed.
The enigmatic ball, which many initially described as a ‘dragon ball’ or ‘an item from beyond space,’ caused locals to worry that it would be dangerous or possibly explode. According to the BBC, the police set up a 200-meter cordon around the ball and forbade people from approaching it while they conducted their investigation.
On Tuesday, the metal object was found on the Enshu beach in Hamamatsu City (Feb 21).
A local told NHK news that he had no idea that everyone would be so much interested in the ball, which according to him had been lying there for a month.
Many questioned the Japanese officials for not explaining what exactly it was. Others have voiced their embarrassment over the whole incident.
A tweet read, ‘I can’t believe officials from a country surrounded by ocean don’t recognise a ball buoy.’
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