The enormous ice storm that devastated the upper midwestern regions of the United States caused an American flag that was flying outside a home in Michigan to get frozen. A video of the same was posted on Twitter.
‘This is a picture of the ice storm that is currently affecting my Michigan home. As I went to pull the flag down, the base was frozen,’ the Twitter user stated in the post’s caption.
Since Cody (Baha) posted the video on Thursday, it has been seen more than 13,000 times and has gotten hundreds of likes and comments. The internet users were left stunned seeing the short clip. While some stated that the visual is ‘spectacular,’ others posted ‘wow’.
‘Okay but it looks kinda cool lol,’ one user said. ‘That sound capture is spectacular,’ another user wrote. ‘It was dead silent outside, glad it captured it so well!’ a third user commented, while a fourth user said, ‘That’s impressive…whoa..’
Meanwhile, hundreds of people living in the region were left in a complete blackout without power after the snowstorm on Thursday, The Independent reported.
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