The Fabelmans, West Side Story, The Post, and Lincoln director Steven Spielberg recently made an appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert and discussed his thoughts on aliens and UFOs. The director also claimed that the US government is trying to cover up their existence.
‘I don’t believe we’re alone in the universe,’ Spielberg said, before adding, ‘I think it’s mathematically impossible that we are the only intelligent species in the cosmos. That’s totally impossible. It is exciting.’
The director also revealed that he has looked into and found evidence of over 500 actual contacts with extraterrestrials. Describing the discovery of the events as ‘fascinating’, he also stated that he believes the government is trying to keep its details under wraps and hushed up.
‘There is something out there. I do not know if I am a believer in the sense I am the kind of person that would think I have got to see something like that to believe it. I can make up stuff and make movies about things I have never seen or experienced. That is fine. In terms of really believing something, I would have to have my own close encounter,’ Spielberg shared.
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