Residents of Newburyport have requested that the state flag and seal of Massachusetts be changed because they believe the imagery employed therein supports the state’s racist past.
According to the Newburyport Daily News, a resolution asking the council to support the work of the Special Commission Pertaining to the Seal and Motto of the Commonwealth was issued to them on February 27.
The group had proposed that the flag and seal be changed to better represent the diversity of Massachusetts’ citizens. By a vote of 9 to 2 on the same day, the resolution was forwarded to the General Government Committee.
The resolution was pushed by Marianna Vesey and Linda Lu Burciaga, residents of Newburyport, who claim that the change has already been adopted by 55 other municipalities.
Vesey and Burciaga added that the resolution is being considered by dozens of other municipalities.
Vesey stated that the state seal appears to support the idea that White people are ‘in charge of this world and that ‘we have to subdue the Native American people’ through a ‘colonising and violent depiction’.
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