By generating mice with two biological fathers, scientists have made another enormous step forward. They achieved this by producing eggs from male cells, which opened them a vast array of reproductive options. Future improvements could aid infertile couples and make it possible for same-sex couples to conceive a biological child together.
The ground-breaking experiment was done at Kyushu University in Japan under the direction of Katsuhiko Hayashi, who is renowned for creating the area of lab-grown sperm and eggs. He claimed that this was the first instance of producing healthy animal oocytes from male cells.
On Wednesday, Hayashi presented his research at the Francis Crick Institute in London’s Third International Conference on Human Genome Editing.
He strongly believes that using the technology, in another ten years, scientists will be able to create a viable human egg from a male skin cell. However, others think that he might be shooting too high since scientists are yet to create viable lab-grown human eggs from female cells.
While this is not the first time that mice have been created using two biological fathers, this is the first time viable eggs have been cultivated from male cells to do so.
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