Hollywood actress Sharon Stone said in a recent podcast that court bias caused her to lose custody of her kid during the divorce proceedings from her spouse Phil Bronstein. When Stone and Brostien separated, Roan, a boy they had adopted, was four years old.
Stone revealed how the presiding judge asked her kid whether he knew his mother created ‘sex pictures’ in a new podcast called Table for Two.
Stone claimed, ‘I lost custody of my child. The judge questioned my son, a tiny young boy, asking him, ‘Do you know your mother makes sex movies? ‘ Because I produced that movie, I was viewed as a certain type of parent, which is an example of systemic abuse.’
Stone referred to the infamous interrogation scene in Basic Instinct in which her genitals may have been glimpsed briefly.
‘People are walking around with no clothes on at all on regular TV now and you saw maybe like a 16th of a second of possible nudity of me – and I lost custody of my child,’ she said. ‘Are you kidding?’
Stone was eventually granted visitation rights to her son, who is now 22. Stone also revealed that the court’s decision contributed to her being admitted to the hospital the same year with cardiac problems. ‘It broke my heart,’ said Stone. ‘It literally broke my heart.’
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