According to a decision by the city’s administration, women will soon be permitted to swim topless in open pools in Berlin.
The measure was made in response to a woman filing a lawsuit after she was expelled from an open-air pool for sunbathing topless.
The complaint, whose identity was withheld by the authorities, went to the office of the senate’s ombudsperson to seek equitable treatment and make the case that women should be permitted to go topless if they so chose.
The authorities acknowledged that the victims had experienced prejudice and said that everyone visiting Berlin’s pools is now welcome to swim topless, regardless of gender.
As a result of the complaint, the Berliner Baederbetriebe, which has been running the public pools of Berlin, made changes in its clothing rules accordingly.
The outcome is likely to be received as a piece of good news by those who follow Germany’s freikörperkultur, or ‘free body culture’.
In 2022, various cities of the country brought the concept of topless swimming in public pools, including Gottingen in Lower Saxony and Siegen in North Rhine-Westphalia.
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