An official reported on Tuesday that during the current state SSC exams, a girl student missed her Mathematics paper, leading to the discovery of a case of child marriage in Maharashtra’s Beed district.
According to the official, 13 named individuals and 150 to 200 guests who had attended the wedding in Parli tehsil had cases filed against them by the police.
The marriage of a boy under the age of 21 and a girl under the age of 18 cannot legally be celebrated.
When the 16-year-old failed to show up for her math test on Monday, an activist alerted Childline at (1098).
The official informed that, when gramsevak (village worker) Dnyaneshwar Mukade arrived at the girl’s home, he discovered that she had been married to a 24-year-old male.
Mukade attempted to get more information regarding the allegedly illegal behaviour, but her relatives remained silent. According to the official, a lawsuit was then filed under the Child Marriage Restriction Act of 1929.
The wedding had already ended when officials arrived in the village to look into the incident, informed activist Tatwashil Kamble.
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