According to Walter Russell Mead’s opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, the BJP is the most significant foreign political party in the world and may also be the least understood. From the perspective of American national interests, India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party is the most significant foreign political party in the entire globe. It might also be the least understood, according to the WSJ article. With victories in 2014 and 2019, the BJP is expected to win again in 2024, according to the journal, which also said that Japan and India are emerging as key players in American policy in the Indo-Pacific. The BJP will be in charge for the foreseeable future in a nation without which American efforts to counter rising China strength are probably going to fall short.
According to the author Mead, the reason why most non-Indians are unaware with the BJP’s political and cultural roots is because of this. According to a Wall Street Journal article, the BJP’s electoral victory underscores the triumph of a formerly obscure and marginal social movement for national rebirth built on the efforts of decades of social philosophers and activists to define a distinctly “Hindu route” to modernisation.The northeastern states of India are home to some of the BJP’s most notable recent political victories. Shia Muslims are a significant source of support for the BJP government in Uttar Pradesh, a state with a population of around 200 million. According to the Wall Street Journal, for diplomats and policymakers hoping to put the strategic relationship on a solid footing as well as for business leaders and investors seeking to engage economically with India, understanding the ideology and trajectory of the Hindu nationalist movement is crucial.
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