An expert committee charged with preparing the new National Curriculum Framework (NCF) is expected to recommend twice-yearly board examinations, a semester system for Class 12, and the freedom for students to pursue a mix of science and humanities to reduce the rigid boundaries separating arts, commerce, and science in classes 11 and 12. Once the recommendations, which are being drafted by a 12-member steering committee led by former ISRO chairperson K Kasturirangan, are adopted, the structure of classes 9 and 10 will change dramatically, with students expected to pass eight papers. Currently, most boards, including CBSE, require students to pass at least five subjects in Class 10. The committee is likely to recommend an annual system for Class 10 students.
According to sources, the draught NCF document is nearly finished and will be posted for public comment soon. The NCF was last updated in 2005, during the Congress-led UPA administration. Changes will be made to textbooks based on the new NCF, beginning with those issued by the NCERT and taught in CBSE-affiliated schools. It will also restructure various other aspects of the classroom, such as subject selection, teaching pattern, and assessment, in accordance with the NEP 2020 framework.
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