Despite the fact that India has seen an increase in Covid-19 cases, with over 6,000 cases reported in the last two days after 200 days, a small percentage of people in the country are wearing masks, according to a survey. Only 6% of the 9,656 people surveyed in India’s 321 districts said they were effectively complying with the masking norms, 90% said they were not, and 4% said they had no clear answer. The largest segment, 45 percent, indicated that they wear a mask when in crowded outdoor spaces; 35 percent stated that they avoid going to crowded outdoor spaces such as weddings, sporting events, and others. Though the central government has not yet announced a mask mandate, some states have taken proactive measures. Puducherry is the only state that has made masks required in public places, while Haryana made masks required for gatherings of more than 100 people in response to an increase in Covid cases.
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