Dalit organisations in Tamil Nadu have called for a CBI investigation into the horrific caste atrocity in Vengaivayal, Pudukottai district. Human faeces were discovered in the overhead tank that supplied drinking water to the village’s Dalit families. The incident occurred in December of 2022. According to the Dalits, it was a clear case of upper caste people insulting them. R. Selvanathan, President of the Ambedkar Study Forum, a think tank on Dalit studies based in Tiruchi, told IANS, The inclusion of human waste in drinking water sends a strong message to the Dalit community. According to what I could decode, the message is that Dalits are still much lower in social strata than upper and middle caste communities, and they should not strive to advance in life. He said that the Ambedkar Study Forum and other like-minded organisations would conduct protest marches in Pudukottai demanding a CBI probe. Even the VCK wants an immediate resolution and the culprits brought to justice. The VCK had also demanded that the contaminated overhead water tank, which stood as a symbol of oppression, be demolished.
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