A caste clash in Kottaiyur village, near Anchetty in Krishnagiri district, injured nine people. According to police sources, M Mohan (21) was riding a bike on Thursday night. He accidentally hit S Maralingam, a Dalit resident (38). The two got into an argument, which turned into an altercation. Mohan returned home and informed his relatives, who identified and attacked Maralingam. Maralingam then returned to his settlement and informed his friends and family. Over ten people accompanied Maralingam in his search for answers about the attack. Mohan, along with other caste Hindus, turned off the village lights and attacked the Dalits with knives and rods. Shortly after the altercation began, the police officers on security detail near the Jeenmanatham temple festival rushed to the scene and calmed both parties. Police rescued three people with serious injuries and six others with minor injuries and transported them to the Primary Health Centre for treatment.
Six people have been arrested, according to DSP Murali. According to police sources, a case has been registered under IPC 147,148 for rioting, IPC 294 for use of obscene language, IPC 323,324 for voluntary hurt, and IPC 307 for attempted murder based on complaints from SC residents. In addition, ten people have been charged under the SC/ST POA act. Similarly, 147,148 for rioting, IPC 294 for use of obscene language, IPC 323,324 for voluntary hurt, and IPC 307 for attempted murder against six people were imposed based on complaints from caste Hindus. To prevent further clashes, security in the village has been increased.
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